N.W.S. Local Forecast

N.W.S. Local Forecast

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Weekly Recap, August 7-13, 2011

Talk about unsettled ! Last week was very unsettled across all of Central New York with a trace of rain or more recorded in 5 of the 7 days. I would consider the only "nice" day to be Friday the 12th which featured plenty of sunshine, low humidity, no rain, and seasonable temperatures. It was a picture-perfect Friday for August, and it definitely made up for the poor weather featured earlier in the week. So far for the month of August (as of the end of the day on Saturday), Syracuse has received 3.38 inches of rain, which is 1.9 inches above normal. For the year, Syracuse has received 9.99 inches of precipitation, which is 1.42 inches above normal.

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